Team Update July 2024

CTFO Summer Sizzle
Take advantage of these great promotions now through July 31st, 2024!
Refer 3 and Yours is FREE
When you have a Vital4Lyfe pack on SmartShip you not only save nearly $100 on the wholesale value of the products but you can also get it FREE if you have THREE personally enrolled members who purchase a Vital4Lyfe pack (regular or freedom pack).
Vital4Lyfe Freedom Pack
The Vital4Lyfe Freedom Pack offers a tremendous savings for the purchaser, and if you enroll a new member with a Freedom Pack, not only do they SAVE BIG, but YOU EARN BIG. Earn $100 for each new member who purchases the pack in their First 30 Days. If you enroll 3 you are qualified to get your pack FREE next month. If you enroll 4 in your first 30 days, you promote to 2K and not only get your pack for free, but you will earn enough money to cover the initial cost of your Freedom Pack and be in PROFIT!
Vital4Lyfe Summer Sizzle Bonus
When you enroll a new member with a Vital4Lyfe Pack and help them enroll three of their friends you have helped them get their Vital4Lyfe pack for FREE. And in the month of July you will also earn a $50 Bonus! And if they purchase a Freedom Pack you will earn a $100 bonus for a total of $150!
Rapid Rank Bonuses
Rapid Rank Bonuses are paid to 2Ks and 5Ks who reach the rank fast. Become a 2K in 30 days and earn an EXTRA $200 Rapid Rank Bonus. Become a 5K in 60 days and earn an EXTRA $500 Rapid Rank Bonuses. The clock starts from the time you become an Associate. When a customer upgrades to an Associate their clock starts on that day!
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