If you are serious about Making Money with XanthoMyst, there are three great ways to get started. Check out the Flyer below for details on a XanthoMyst Promotion.
- Purchase a XanthoMyst 7-Pack
- Keep Two Mysts for Yourself
- Share Five with Friends
- Purchase a XanthoMyst 7-Pack
- Enroll FIVE Personal Customers with $45+ in CTFO Products
- Purchase a 7-Pack under THREE of Your Customers
- This Gives you Additional XanthoMyst for Yourself at the Special Promo Price
- You Earn a $100 Bonus (Cash Back) for Each XanthoMyst 7-Pack
- Your Net Cost on Each of these XanthoMysts is Less than $50 Per Unit
- You are Now a Qualified $1K and Will Earn a $200 Fast Start Bonus (if within 30 days)
- You are Now Qualified to Earn Team 1 Infinity Bonus on Your Future Enrollments
- Team 1 Infinity Bonus is an Extra 5% in the Unilevel Starting at Level 1
- Purchase a XanthoMyst 7-Pack
- Enroll FIVE Personal Customers with $45+ in CTFO Products
- Purchase a 7-Pack under THREE of Your Customers
- This Gives you Additional XanthoMyst for Yourself at the Special Promo Price
- You Earn a $100 Bonus (Cash Back) for Each XanthoMyst 7-Pack
- Your Net Cost on Each of these XanthoMysts is Less than $50 Per Unit
- You are Now a Qualified $3K and Will Earn a $300 Fast Start Bonus (if within 30 days)
- Enroll ONE New ASSOCIATE with a 7-Pack Who Enrolls Five Customers ($45+ Product Purchases)
- You New Associate Purchases a 7-Pack under THREE of Their Customers
- You are Now a Qualified $3K and Will Earn a $300 Fast Start Bonus (if within 30 days)
- Continue to Develop New Team Members (Personally Enrolled or Anywhere on the Team)
By Coming in the BEST Way You Will
- Have 28 Units of XanthoMyst to sell at a profit
- Earn $200+ in Product Introduction Bonuses
- Earn $500 in Fast Start Bonuses
- Be Earning Infinity Team 1 Bonus (extra 5% from level 1 to Infinity) on all new Associates
- Be a Qualified $3K
- Be One Your Way to $5K and Start Earning Infinity Team 2 Bonus, Loyalty Bonus, and More!
- Create Team Sales of $5,000+ to Become a $5K (and start earning Infinity Team 2)
- Team 1 Infinity Bonus is an Extra 5% in the Unilevel Starting at Level 1
- Team 2 Infinity Bonus is an Extra 10% in the Unilevel Starting at Level 1
- Create Team Sales of $10,000+ to Become a $10K (and start earning Infinity Team 3)
- Team 3 Infinity Bonus is an Extra 13% in the Unilevel Starting at Level 1
- Keep Building and Earn More Bonuses and Create Unlimited Income
CLICK HERE for Full Details on the Compensation Plan